IMG_20190306_035326First things first.  I want to thank Bruce, the love of my life for being loving and supportive. For putting up with my minor bout of insanity. For keeping me relatively balanced and not minding the shopping for new clothes, shoes, and makeup. Thank you for loving me. I am the luckiest woman in the universe.

GAHHHHHH   It Has been too long since I have written.  IIMG_20190306_061601 have been lax, and I am sorry.  Things have been a bit insane over the past 4 plus months.

First there was the surgery. I am told it took less time than they thought it would. Having the head of the bariatric department do my surgery probably helped. Plus I know my surgeon said I was a perfect candidate due to my shape. I was in the hospital for 3 days. I stopped taking the opioid medication that they gave me after 5 days.  I still take my tramadol, just haven’t IMG_0016needed it as often.

Recovery is hard, and the first 2-3 weeks sucked big time. The first week it was nothing but clear liquids. Then came the pureed food. (pureed tuna sucks) Actually pureed anything sucks. I ate a lot of cottage cheese and unsweetened applesauce.  The progression from pureed to real food seemed to take forever. But now I can eat regular food like everyone else, I just need to chew it to death. I also can not drink 30 min before or after I eat. The reason for that is because I have a stomach that only holds about 6 oz at a time rather that a stomach that can hold up to 50 oz at a time.  So if I drink with my food it flushes it out of my stomach too quickly and I will not have the feeling of being full.

What is interesting is that right now and since my surgery there is no feeling of hunger.  I have to make myself eat.  This unfortunately won’t last forever I am told. (damn it)  Wouldn’t that be wonderful to never feel hungry? e57d6624fbc9647b27af6040485e80cf

Anyway,  A lot has changed.  When I started this journey I hated myself. I weighed way too much. I was unhealthy and in pain all the time. I am still in a lot of pain, but it is different now. I take vitamins daily, I take a berry blend from Juice Plus and a fiber supplement everyday.  I drink at least 64 oz of non caffeinated fluids per day (no soda). I eat at least 60 oz of protein. About 1000 calories (at least that’s the goal I am usually short of that).

I started (depending on what company) at a size 30-32.  Now this is my pet peeve. There is no consistency in sizing. It is really bloody frustrating.  It truly makes me crazy. I m excited to tell you though I am no longer that 30-32.  I am now an 18-20, (at Lane Bryant probably somewhere between a 1x and 2x) This is exciting to me. I have not been an 18 in over a decade.  Now if I shop online at a place called woman within that same 18/20 is a Large. So if I shop at WW do I buy a large? Or do I go up a size to make sure it fits? What do I do? I could go on, there are so many differences in sizes I am just not sure what to order if I order from an online mobile-hero-image-2company other than Lane Bryant.  Now I admit I love Lane Bryant, but sometimes they are more expensive than odering from a company like WOman WIthin, or Full Beauty.  Is the sizing done so that you can stay true to a brand? When you are larger you clothing already costs so much more. I like being a bit frugal. But right now Lane Bryant is where I will continue to shop. They carry everything I need.

Life is still crazy I will forever have to be careful with food.  Ib92271923c83e59e664462bb0a94d4b7--bariatric-surgery-life-coaching can not have sugar, or caffeine, or carbonation. Bread and pasta in very limited quantity and frequency.  But life is getting better. I am exercising at least 4 days a week, I need to be better about walking, and not be ashamed of using my walker until I am strong enough to not need it.  I look a lot different, thinner and happier, with the caveat that there is still more work to do.  I will write more frequently to let you know how I am doing.  As of today I have lost 87 lbs. I feel so much better.


I am going to become the best me I can be.

P. S. Veronica, Hope this works.



2 thoughts on “I’M BAAAACK!!”

  1. I think it’s wonderful that you are on this journey and sharing it with us, I love hearing of your successes and accomplishments, keep on keeping on!


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